International Grand Markets in Finland

Kansainväliset Suurmarkkinat | International Grand Markets

Sustainability plan for International Grand  Markets tour

The International Large Market strives to be as responsible and carbon-wise an event as possible.
 Despite all the measures, the International Grand Market cannot be made completely carbon neutral in the current situation, but we will still do everything we can to promote these important issues in every way.


– the tour has been planned so that the transition steps from one location to another are as short and sensible as possible

– the aim is to ensure that the entrepreneurs participating in the tour use as little fossil fuel as possible. For example, almost all food manufacturers today use electric equipment instead of gas.

– the electricity used by the market is Fortum’s 100% carbon dioxide-free electricity

– the dishes and utensils of all food entrepreneurs have to be recyclable

– efforts are made to sort the waste as widely as possible. The aim is to recover cardboard, plastic, bio-waste, glass and metal so that there is as little mixed waste as possible.

– training and advice: We provide extensive training and advice to entrepreneurs participating in the tour and their employees on waste sorting and responsible operations.
  We also try to inform everyone visiting the International Grand Market (customers/audience) about responsibility and the importance of sorting waste, and get them to participate in it as well.

– We encourage customers to use bicycles or public transport whenever possible. We try to organize special bike parks near the market gates whenever possible.

Merchants should note the following regarding waste management:

Lassila&Tikanoja (a local operator in Rauma and Kristiinankaupunki) takes care of the waste management of the International  Grand markets

Together with L&T, efforts have been made to get the names of the wastes/fractions to be the same in all tour locations.

In each locality,traders are served by:

1-2 large controlled waste points where:
– clamp for cardboard waste
– compactor for mixed waste
– 600 liter containers for plastics
– 240 liter bins for bio waste
– For a 240 liter container for glass
– for 240 liter container for metal

L&T brings the waste bins during the day before the market, makes intermediate emptying as needed (no unnecessary driving,
the organizer orders intermediate emptying as needed) and final emptying after the market every Monday morning.

We require all food traders to have separate trash bins for all types, similar to what we have at our waste points (cardboard, mixed waste, plastic, bio-waste, glass, metal) and that sorting is also taken care of.

All traders must sort their waste and the success of sorting is monitored. If the sorting doesn’t work, first you will be pointed out, then you will be warned, and thirdly, you will be completely excluded from the tour for a certain period of time.

Garbage that comes from solid garbage in the market area and public garbage from organizers or merchants cannot be sorted in a meaningful way (can’t be done safely because of drug syringes, etc.) but is mainly mixed waste.

The market area is divided into blocks and in each block the area is cleaned throughout its opening hours and at the same time it is considered that the entrepreneurs also take care of the cleaning, sorting and waste management of their own points of sale in general.

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